
Ashley Hollister

Principal Associate

Ashley Hollister is an evaluation professional with extensive experience building the internal evaluation and management capacity of non-governmental organizations, education institutions, and UN system organizations, specializing in gender-sensitive data collection, gender analysis and gender mainstreaming. She has provided evaluation and strategic consulting services for WFP, FAO, UNODC, WHO, UNDP, UNICEF, UNFPA, Pact, ActionAid, Right to Play, Humanity & Inclusion, as well as UNHCR-, USAID-, MasterCard- and IKEA-funded programs focused on livelihoods, youth development and education, gender equality and human rights.

In addition, as a trained social worker, she has extensive experience serving as an advocate and representative for individuals and organizations in diverse settings, including facilitating youth offender rehabilitation programs, advocating for youth and women’s rights in court, and representing organizations in village- to national-level government meetings.

Ashley brings a multi-disciplinary lens and mixed-methods approach to projects, incorporating and analyzing quantitative data drawn from complex standardized tools, such as the Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index and Anchored Big Five Inventory, integrating participatory and human rights-based approaches, and providing strategic recommendations to improve policies and practices towards improved human rights, food and nutrition security, resilient livelihoods, and GBV and crime prevention. She holds a Master of Public Administration from Cornell University and a Master of Social Work from University of Michigan - Ann Arbor and speaks English, Spanish and Kiswahili.

Where you will find me when not working: On the pitch enjoying ‘O Jogo Bonito’. Whether it’s joining an impromptu roadside pick-up game in Tanzania, or chasing down intramural leagues for some competition...Put me in, coach!

Favorite food: Vegetarian and spice, please! Hint: Sweat and tears are signs of enjoyment.

Favorite inspirational quotes: “You don’t learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and by falling over.” - Richard Branson. And of course, Michelle Obama: “Don't ever underestimate the importance you can have because history has shown us that courage can be contagious and hope can take on a life of its own.”