Humanity and Inclusion (HI)

Areas Impacted:
Conflict, Crime prevention, and Security
•Internet, Communication, Etc.

Humanity & Inclusion (formerly Handicap International is an international non-governmental organization. It was founded in 1982 to provide help in refugee camps in Cambodia and Thailand but now has operations around the world. HI aims to help disabled and vulnerable people in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. More than 3,500 field staff are currently located in more than 60 countries worldwide.

In 2019, DE conducted a Multi-country Mid-term Review of a Disability Inclusion and Inclusive Education/ Growing Together project for children (0-12) in refugee camps and displacement settings. The Growing Together! (GT) project, funded by Ikea Foundation, takes a comprehensive and inclusive approach by providing opportunities for 8,936 vulnerable children and children with disabilities to acquire early childhood and/or primary education and rehabilitation support while also developing their social skills through arts, games, sports, clubs and cultural activities. The purpose of the Mid-term Evaluation (MTE) was to produce an independent and systematic assessment of the Growing Together (GT) project’s progress towards achievement of objectives and outcomes, measured against performance indicators, as well as its unintended positive and negative effects over the first two years of implementation. The MTE used participatory and child-friendly approaches and identified lessons learned, captured best practices, and generated evidence-based knowledge to further improve and refine the implementation of GT activities according to HI’s project quality framework. The evaluation provided country-specific recommendations aimed towards adjustment in project approaches according to contextual needs and challenges. Two consultancies to improve child safeguarding and M&E strategies were commissioned as a result of the evaluation findings and recommendations.

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