DeftEdge Wishes You Happy Holidays!!

December 19, 2023

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

Happy holidays! Merry Xmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy New Year! Whatever you celebrate and however you celebrate, we wish you our very best.  

As we approach the holiday season, I want to take a moment to express my gratitude and appreciation for each and every one of you. Together, we have embarked on an incredible journey, filled with an unmistakable spirit of collaboration that defines the very essence of DeftEdge.

This year has been a testament to our collective dedication and hard work, and I am proud to see how far we've come. One of the biggest highlights was our staff retreat in Ithaca in October which provided the first opportunity for many of us to meet in person. We were also excited to welcome new talent to our core team with Elise Wall and Rahul Hasnain joining DE in 2023, along with new associates and consultants who brought additional expertise and enthusiasm. Our work this year was highly meaningful and interesting and of tremendous value to the development sector. DeftEdge undertook several large-scale evaluations for multiple clients including WFP, UNEP, UNCTAD, UNIDO, EU and UNODC, quality assessed the evaluations of projects funded by the UN Peacebuilding Fund, and developed concept notes such as a compendium of good practices in monitoring and evaluating CT and PCVE interventions that was launched at the UN Counter-Terrorism Week.  

Our growth has continued to be impressive. Just as a tree strengthens its roots as it reaches for the sky, so must we reinforce the foundation of our company to ensure sustained success. We have together demonstrated strong resilience in undertaking challenging work and our varied perspectives have contributed to our success. As we celebrate the holidays, let's also celebrate the rich tapestry of talents that make up our team. Looking ahead to the coming year, I am filled with optimism and excitement. We have an incredible opportunity to build on our successes and address the growing pains that come with rapid expansion. It's clear that we need to implement more formal structures to streamline our processes and enhance efficiency. This is not just about meeting challenges of growing fast today but seizing opportunities of tomorrow.

In the spirit of continuous improvement, we will continue reviewing our current processes to identify areas for technological and procedural enhancement. As always, we welcome everyone’s inputs and insights to help us be more agile, responsive, and better equipped to navigate the dynamic landscape of our industry. Our next year should be all about developing new product/s, continuing excellence in our work and achieving better work/life balance.  

Like every successful company, how we respond to our dynamic environment will define our future. I am confident that with our shared commitment, innovative spirit, and collaborative mindset, we will not only overcome any hurdles but also emerge stronger and more resilient.

As we take a well-deserved break during the holidays, I encourage each of you to reflect on our achievements, recharge your energy, and return in the new year with renewed vigor.  

Wishing you and your loved ones a joyous holiday season and a Happy New Year!

Warm regards,



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